At Buoyant, we dare to dream. We invite our clients to close their eyes and envision a world transformed by possibilities. We delve deep into research to discover unheard voices and hidden truths. We use these insights to craft authentic stories with aspiration and hope.
Our Work
Vision of the Future
DREAM: "What if you lived to be 1000 years old?" Buoyant partnered with Jobs for the Future to imagine a life without limits.
VIDEO: Lessons from the First Black Female Billionaire
"No one was paying attention to the African American voice. That's where we saw an opportunity, but we had very little money..." Sheila Johnson, Black Entertainment Television (BET) co-founder and the first black female billionaire, talks about the challenges of starting BET. Partnering with AARP, Buoyant produced this Telly award-winning video segment.
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